Credit for prior training.
The Illinois State Police allow credit for the following training, with a maximum credit of 8 hours. All class attendees are required to complete a minimum of 8 hours. Those 8 hrs will include Legal responsibilities, interaction with law enforcement and live fire qualification. For additional information go to ISP link at the bottom of this page.
*** A note to my fellow Vets. The state has allowed 8 hours of credit for your service. We all know that not every branch trains every serviceman with the proper use of a sidearm. As well trained as you may be on the M1, M14 or M16 it does not necessarily mean you know your way around a sidearm. I recommend you attend the 16 hour class. You will only be charged for the 8 hour class.
1) Illinois Hunter Safety Course.........................4 hours 2) Utah Concealed Carry...................................4 hours 3) Florida Concealed Carry................................4 hours 4) Nevada Concealed Carry...............................4 hours 5) Missouri Concealed Carry..............................4 hours 6) Kentucky Concealed Carry............................4 hours 7) Michigan Concealed Carry.............................4 hours 8) Chicago Firearms Safety Course....................4 hours 9) NRA Basic Pistol..........................................8 hours 10) NRA Personal Protection in the Home...........8 hours 11) NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home...8 hours 12) Active, Retired or Honorably Discharged member of the US Armed Forces................8 hours 13) Previously qualified law enforcement or corrections officer (430 ILCS 75 (j)...........................8 hours
Proper documentation must be provided. Veterans will need a copy of DD214.
The 16 hour class requires attendance both days of class.
The 12 hr class requires attendance the second half of day 1 and all of day 2.
The 8 hour class requires attendance the second day of class only.
For additional information I can be contacted at 630-461-8138 or via email listed at the top of page.